If you have questions or comments, email Michael P. MacLellan at MPMacLellan@gmail.com
Department of New Hampshire American Legion Family. Our Brothers and Sisters in California need our support.
The ongoing wildfires have displaced thousands of Americans and our Legion Family. They require the basic needs as some have lost
everything. You can send a check to help or refer to the list below of items needed.
To send a donation by check:
Make Payable to: American Legion District 18, Dept. of CA
Memo line: Homeless/Disaster Relief Donation
Mail to:
American Legion Post 280
179 N Vinedo Ave
Pasadena CA 91107
ATTN: Neil La Sala
District 18 Commander
To send a donation of goods:
Mail to:
American Legion Post 280
179 N Vinedo Ave
Pasadena CA 91107
ATTN: Neil La Sala
District 18 Commander
Below is a list of items requested. There is no need for clothing or blankets but a great need for toiletries.
1. Bars of hand soap 9. Shampoo
2. Toothpaste 10. Razors
3. Toothbrushes 11. Brushes or Combs
4. Dental Floss 12. Baby Wipes
5. Toilet Paper 13. Simple Backpacks
6. Tampons 14. Wash clothes
7. Maxi Pads 15. Deodorant
8. Mouth wash 16. Dog Treats
Any other toiletry items not listed are helpful and appreciated.